2022 baseline survey results

We have analysed the results and are keen to share these with you, along with some improvements we plan to make based on your feedback.
While we did not have as many people respond as we hoped, we are confident that our learners and customers will see how important their feedback is to us and more people will tell us what they think.
We are strongly committed to listening to what you have to say as we continue to improve our service. You can help us by completing our Annual Client Satisfaction Survey when you receive it at the beginning of October 2023.
The baseline survey asked for a rating between 6 (which indicated excellent) to 1 (which indicated poor). We were interested in finding out what you thought about:
- The quality of our communication with you
- How easy you found it to interact with Te Mahi Ako
- The quality of other services you have received from us
- The resources our Assessors or Learners received from us
- The value to you or your workplace of achieving your qualification.
What are the overall results telling us?
Overall, these results indicate that most of our stakeholders (79%) are satisfied to extremely satisfied with the service they are receiving from Te Mahi Ako. However, we remain committed to making sure we are meeting the needs and expectations of all our learners and workplaces. Based on some of the suggestions provided to us in your responses from this baseline survey, we have already started to implement some changes, starting with those outlined below.
Suggestions for improvement
We also asked some “open ended” questions to find out what we can do better. Based on the feedback you gave us, we have plans to implement the following improvements over the next 12 months and will keep updated on their progress.
Though we were satisfied with our survey results overall, we are keen to address the few comments telling us where you think we can improve. The table below shows the main issues you highlighted in the Survey and what we are doing to address them.
We are also implementing Pilot of Annual Programme Evaluation Reviews on the following Programmes commencing in April/May 2023:
Congratulations to the winners of our prize draw competition for completing the survey: Liz Penman (assessor) and Rochelle Somerton (learner). Each won a $100 voucher.