A year of partnerships, plans, and progress

Published 25 September 2024
In their recently released 2023 annual reports, Skills Active Aotearoa and its subsidiary Te Mahi Ako each reflect on partnerships, plans, and progress.

Despite a challenging operating environment, the first full year of operation for Te Mahi Ako has seen a number of satisfying achievements. We launched our first pastoral care framework and services, received approval from the TEC for its Investment Plan, and secured strategic project funding for 2024. Additionally, we’re particularly proud of our partnership in the rollout of a Pasifika Learn to Swim programme in Nelson.

Our commitment to quality was recognised with an acknowledgment for best practice during the Toi Mai Workforce Development Council’s Quality Assurance visit, as well as receiving favourable validation from NZQA.

Te Mahi Ako educational performance indicators have increased significantly from the base set in 2022, and we are especially pleased with the credit reporting performances of ākonga | learners from the Māori and disabled ākonga groups. These groups hit 75% of target, outperforming the general population of ākonga in this educational performance indicator.

One of the most notable changes for Skills Active Aotearoa Group in 2023 was the successful divestment of Qualworx. This was a strategic move that has reflected a distinct focus on strengthening our financial position and streamlining our operations.

Further major shifts in the tertiary education landscape are anticipated as the coalition government finalises changes to the tertiary and work-based learning sector, including funding methods. Since the release of the annual reports, the government has completed its initial round of consultation on the proposed reforms to the sector. Skills Active Aotearoa Group has proactively engaged with this consultation, advocating for changes that best benefit the sector.

Looking ahead, the backbone of Skills Active Aotearoa and Te Mahi Ako remains our connection to New Zealand’s Te Tiriti identity through Ngā Mahi ā te Rēhia, with a strong emphasis on our pillars of leadership, education, training, advice, and connections.