Meet our team: Aimee Froud

She has run after school care programmes, worked at an animal charity in Sri Lanka, been a producer and a stage manager, and worked in a senior executive role at Wellington Airport.
As head of people and culture Aimee is responsible for ensuring Skills Active has the right people in the right jobs, supported to be the best they can be. Her role for the remainder of this year is to get everything sorted so that staff can step into the new structure at Te Mahi Ako feeling positive, productive and ready to go. There is a lot to juggle, but that’s the kind of work Aimee enjoys. “I like that pressure point when everything comes together. There’s so much to do, and you have to try and pull it off. Then you get there and it happens, and I find that really satisfying – it’s a lot like stage management!”
Aimee is excited about the increased scope for change and growth, once Skills Active Te Mahi Ako is up and running. “We’ve got good people in our workforce who care about our learners, and I think there are some really exciting things ahead for us and our industries.”