Newly established Skills Active Te Mahi Ako to take over work-based learning

The Board recognises that, as an aspiring private training establishment, Skills Active Te Mahi Ako (Te Mahi Ako) needs to meet relevant regulatory requirements so that final TEC Board approval to the transition plan can be given.
Skills Active supports te ahumahi ā-rēhia – the active recreation, leisure and entertainment sectors, which includes the following: exercise, outdoor recreation, community recreation, aquatics, sport, entertainment and events, and snowsport. Skills Active maintains over 50 training programmes. It supports about 5,000 learners and 1,700 employers, and employs 50 staff.
Skills Active plans to transfer all of its arranging training functions and learners to new private training establishment Te Mahi Ako on 1 October 2022. All staff will be transitioned either to Te Mahi Ako, or to new roles within the Skills Active Group.
Skills Active will be working closely with learners and workplaces to ensure a seamless transition, and will continue to provide regular updates before, during and after the change-over.
Responsibility for most of Skills Active's qualifications development, moderation, consent to assess, and programme endorsement moved to the workforce development council Toi Mai on 4 October 2021.
"This decision by TEC is the culmination of more than two years of engagement and development to bring Te Mahi Ako into being," says Skills Active chief operating officer Maren Frerichs.
"We have been building the foundations of a new organisation that will strengthen vocational education for and maintain a total commitment to its learners and sectors.
"It has been a huge piece of mahi by our team and we couldn't be more proud. Most of all we are excited for what this means for te ahumahi ā-rēhia – our active recreation, entertainment and leisure sectors. They will continue to have a dedicated provider to champion their workforce, and the huge contribution they make to health and wellbeing in Kiwi communities."
Media contact for Skills Active: Esther McLaren | | 021 195 5127
Skills Active Aotearoa is the transitional industry training organisation for recreation, exercise, sport and performing arts. We are a non-profit organisation, 50% owned by Māori shareholders, and funded by government to support Aotearoa businesses, organisations, iwi and community enterprises to get their staff and volunteers trained and qualified. We are transferring our work-based learning services to Skills Active Te Mahi Ako in October 2022.