Work-based learning graduates celebrate the achievements of 2022

E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā karangatanga maha, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. Nau mai haere mai, piki mai rā o runga i tēnei tau hou. Te kotahitanga o ngā tauira i raro i te maru o Te Mahi Ako, Skills Active Aotearoa te mea nui.
This group of learners includes all those Skills Active graduates who completed between January and September, and the Te Mahi Ako graduates who finished their learning from October to December, after we transitioned to an independent provider.
Click here for the full list of Skills Active graduates, and here for the full list of Te Mahi Ako graduates.
Each year our learners work hard to get their hands-on knowledge and experience recognised through formal vocational qualifications. Their success in our programmes reflects the fact that they are highly skilled, and qualified for the important work they carry out in service of our national wellbeing.
We are honoured to be part of the process of strengthening our sectors, who in turn support Kiwi communities to get the benefits of taking part in active recreation, leisure and entertainment.
We extend our warmest congratulations to all our graduates, as well as our thanks to their whanau, friends, managers and colleagues, for the help and encouragement they have provided along the way.
No reira rau rangatira mā, ka mihi atu anō ki a koutou I whakamutunga o koutou mahi akonga I tērā tau. Ki ngā whānau me ngā hoa tautoko ki ngā tauira, kai te mihi atu ki a koutou. No reira, he whakaaro, he kōrero o tātau rangatira a Ta James Henare.
Tawhiti rawa i tō tātau haerenga atu te kore haere tonu.
We have come too far to not go further.
Pictured: Apprenticeship graduate Patrick Martin, at left, with his regional advisor Ang Robinson.
Media contact: Esther McLaren | | 021 195 5127
Skills Active Aotearoa Group is a not-for-profit organisation, 50% owned by Māori shareholders, supporting capability development in te ahumahi ā-rēhia: the active recreation, leisure, entertainment and events sectors.
Te Mahi Ako is part of the Skills Active group, and supports individuals to develop themselves through real-life learning within businesses, iwi and communities.