Ngāwai Johnston
Kaitohutohu hononga ā motu
021 193 2787
Mauri ora e te iwi, he uri tēnei nō Ngātiwai ki Aotea me Ngāti Whātua, nō Hāmoa nō Ingarangi hoki ōku tīpuna.
I was born in Ōtautahi and moved around the motu as my parents were in the army, then came back home to Ōtautahi as a teen and haven’t left since. Some of my whānau are now starting to head home to Great Barrier Island to begin building our papakāinga.
He māmā ahau, tokorua aku tamāhine. Kei te piki toka taku mātāmua mō te New Zealand Youth Development Squad, kei te ako taku pōtiki i te reo Hāmoa.
My girls are my reason behind everything I do and stand for.
My background has been in the public sector, predominantly working in the recreation and sport industry. In recent times, I have been working in the community and partnership spaces, where I have been creating, upholding, and reestablishing relationships between Māori organisations, pakihi, and the council. I have always loved being active; I enjoy being in and around water, haere ai tō mātou whānau ki tātahi ia raumati, ia raumati, have boxed and recently found myself dabbling in weighliting so it's great to be back working in the industry.
Having the privilege of working with iwi and tangata whenua has been a rewarding part of my haerenga and as I step into my new role as National Learner Advisor - Mātauranga Māori, my foremost commitment is to ensure that tikanga guides every aspect of my mahi.
Kei ōu ringaringa te ao – the world is yours.