Michelle Allwright

Education development and delivery manager

027 445 0938


Ko Rimutaka te maunga te rū nei i taku ngākau 

Ko Wāinuiomata te awa e mahea nei i āku māharahara 

Nō Wāinuiomata ahau, engari kei Whakatū au e noho ana 

E mihi ana ki Te Awaikairangi ki Tai, nō kōna āku parirau. 

Nā reira, tēnā koutou katoa 

My professional career has been in supporting people to achieve their goals and I’ve had the pleasure of working in the vocational education sector in academic, team leadership and kaiāko roles, across campus based, work based and online providers. 

A motto that I believe is that ‘education is power’ as it gives ākonga the opportunity to learn, grow, develop and to be able to make different choices for themselves and their whānau. 

When I am not at work, you’ll find me spending time with my whānau. 

He waka eke noa 

We are all in this together.